Why You Should Attend:
Reviewing the CFR Rulemaking Process: Understand how the FAR CUI Rule fits into the broader Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) process and its journey through the rulemaking stages.
Current Status of the FAR CUI Rule: Get the latest updates on where the FAR CUI Rule currently stands in the rulemaking process, what changes may be on the horizon, and how soon contractors will need to comply.
Why the FAR CUI Rule Will Have a Large Impact: Explore the extensive implications the FAR CUI Rule will have on contractors, including new data handling requirements, potential penalties for non-compliance, and its intersection with other cybersecurity regulations like CMMC.
Issues with FAR CUI as It Is: Review common challenges and areas of confusion in the FAR CUI Rule, including ambiguities in data classification, discrepancies between FAR and other regulatory frameworks, and difficulties in implementing safeguards and controls.
Practical Steps to Prepare for Compliance: Tips and strategies for contractors on how to get ready for the upcoming FAR CUI requirements, including risk management, internal policy updates, and aligning with cybersecurity standards.
Register here: Teams Webinar
The Speaker / President of Giga-Green Technologies
This event is an essential step for any organization aiming to navigate the CMMC certification landscape with confidence. Join us for an engaging session that will equip you with the knowledge and tools to embark on a successful certification journey.